EU TRAM project in corporation with Customs Administration Office and MNCCI successfully organized "Customs to Business Forum 2020" on 09 October 2020 with total audience of 100 participants representing Customs Office, private sector, traders, exporters, TRAM cluster members and NGOs.
At the forum, presentations were delivered on the topics of Foreign trade mirror analysis, Process and benefits of e- clearance system, introduction of WTO TFA which were followed by group work, free discussion and presentation of findings of each group. At the group work, the participants exchanged views and their challenges on the topics such like customs valuation, e-clearance system, customs clearance for export/import including customs tariff and tax, laboratory testing, customs reform and trade facilitation. The possible solutions and findings on each topic was presented to the high officials from the Customs Administration Office for taking into consideration of taking follow up actions.
The opening speeches were delivered by Mr. Gendentseveen, Customs Vice Chairman, Mr. Duuren, CEO of Chamber and Ms. Carmen Fratita, EU TRAM team leader.