Mongolian Green Labels online shop went into operation.
Mon feb 2021
Author: administrator
Read count: 1915

EU-TRAM supported Mongolian Green Labels online shop facilitates access of Mongolian export products to the EU market.

The EU funded Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia (TRAM) project supports the implementation of the Export Policy 2018-2022 of the Mongolian Government. One milestone was the establishment of the Information and Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) of Mongolia in the EU with its store in Berlin, Germany. Shortly after its opening and very successful sales in early December 2020 the store had to be closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 measures in force in Germany. To enable continued sales EU-TRAM supported the development of an e-commerce platform by a joint Mongolian-European team, which went into operation on 4 February 2021. At the address many exquisite textile and leather products from some of the EU-TRAM supported export clusters are now available to consumers in all EU member states. Already available in English and German more languages will be available soon. It is expected that through its store and online shop the ITPC in Berlin will support the increased exports of Mongolian products to the EU market in a sustainable manner and create permanent benefits for the participating Mongolian SMEs.

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