WTO Trade Facilitation Committee Meeting Geneva (Customs Office-Oct 2019)
Sat feb 2020
Author: administrator
Read count: 1240

Under the financial support of the EU TRAM, Mongolian Customs delegates successfully attended the WTO Trade Facilitation Committee meeting, held in Geneva, Switzerland from 15 to 18 October. It was the first time Mongolian delegates attended the WTO meeting past decade.   

Delegates, representing Customs, other Border Agencies and Trade Ministries from the WTO Members, Observers from several International Organizations, the Private Sector and Academia participated in the meeting. The Meeting was chaired by Amb. Mohammad Qurban HAQJOA (Afghanistan), who is elected past TF Committee meeting. A number of delegations, including Mongolia delivered experiences with the implementation of various articles of the TFA and notification lists increased by the members notifications (Article1, 10.4, 10.6 and 12).

During the meeting Mongolian delegates conducted a number of meetings with the Technical Assistance Department of the WTO Secretariat, the Head of the Trade Facilitation Unit of the United Nations Trade and Development Agency and the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation for discussing further capacity building development in area trade facilitation measures.

Result of this meeting a number of trade facilitation measures included in the General Customs Administration of Mongolia’s Performance Plan 2020 and its started implementing both strategic and operational level.