The 6th meeting of the National Trade Facilitation Committee was held.
Thu may 2021
Author: administrator
Read count: 1397

The sixth meeting of the National Committee for Trade Facilitation for ensuring the implementation of the WTO trade facilitation agreement and ensuring an intersectoral coordination was held on 25 May 2021 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was chaired by B.Munkhjin, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, representatives were from public and private sectors, such as the Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Customs Administration Office, Customs Brokerage Association and the Federation of Mongolian Freight Forwarders, MNCCI, GASI, and National Development Agency. 

During the meeting, projects and programs being implemented by development partner organizations in Mongolia presented about their activities in the area of trade facilitation. EU funded Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia -TRAM project and ADB funded “Regional Improvement of Border Services-RIBS” project presented their progress and main achievements.