Traiing on ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 & IMS
Wed feb 2021
Author: administrator
Read count: 1489

On 19-20 January 2021, EU TRAM project successfully organized the training course on international standard ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and IAF Mandatory Document for the Application of ISO/IEC 17021 for Audits of Integrated Management Systems (IAF MD 11) dedicated to the analysts of Certification Department of MASM. Total of 11 certification experts from UB and local MASM offices attended the training. The training was appreciated by the participants and Ms. Andreana Lekakou, the project short term expert acted as a trainer and provided answers and clarifications to the questions raised by the attendants. The training was welcomed and opened by Ms. Carmen Fratita, team leader and continued with the sessions as general and structural, resource, information and process requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. The training also covered IAF Mandatory Document for audits of Integrated Management System. TRAM project will continue its cooperation with and support to MASM implementing required training courses on other management systems.