As part of our project activities under Component 2: Trade Facilitation, the EU TRAM project has been assisting the Government of Mongolia to implement its obligations under the World Trade Organisation Trade Facilitation Agreement which Mongolia ratified in February 2017. EU TRAM has specifically been providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Customs Authority on implementation of Article 7.8: Expedited Shipments and Article 7.9: Perishable Items of the WTO TFA into Mongolian legislation.
Mrs Norjinsuren Sereeter, an EU TRAM expert, has been providing technical assistance to the Ministry and Customs Authority on potential amendments to the Customs Law. Mrs Norjinsuren has drafted suggested changes to the legislation and presented these for comment and discussion to a consultation meeting which was held on the 28th September 2017.
Participants at the consultation meeting included representatives from the private sector such as DHL, Tuushin LLC and MIAT, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the General Customs Administration, the Mongolian Agency for Standards and Metrology (MASM), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry.