Traian Hristea: EU Member States will gradually lift restrictions on non-essential travel from third-countries
Wed jun 2021
Author: administrator
Read count: 3003

Mongolian Economy magazine spoke with Traian Hristea, the EU Ambassador and Head of Delegation to Mongolia, about key projects implemented by the EU Delegation, EU-Mongolia relations and EU travel restrictions.

-Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

-Could you introduce yourself to our readers?

-Thank you for inviting me. My name is Traian Hristea. I have been working as the European Union (EU) Ambassador and Head of Delegation to Mongolia since 2017.

Previously, I worked as an EU Ambassador to Romania and Kazakhstan. That means I held EU Ambassador’s positions three times in a row. Before joining the EU, I worked as the Head of Policy Planning Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania. Also, I worked as the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania to Ukraine.

-How would you describe your working experience at the Delegation of the EU to Mongolia?

-I am happy to be able to contribute to deepening the EU and Mongolia relations. It is a great privilege to come back to Mongolia as the first resident Ambassador of the European Union. In fact, between 1990 and 1995, I studied at the National University of Mongolia to get my degree in Mongolian studies.

Currently, 93 percent of total EU imports from Mongolia under GSP+ are concentrated on articles of apparel and textiles. Mongolia’s utilisation rate GSP+ scheme stands at around 84 percent which means there is still some room for improvement.

As mentioned previously, to further improve the utilisation of GSP+, we are implementing the TRAM project. If we can work together we can turn Mongolia’s huge potential into reality.

-Is there any possibility of expanding the scope of GSP+ to other agricultural or mining products?

-The list of products eligible for GSP+ includes mining products but it has been the long-term efforts of the EU to help Mongolia to diversify its economy and support employment, development and production in non-mining sectors. As you may know, the products exported to the EU have to meet certain high standards, expectations and criteria. I hope that through the continued engagement and dialogue with the Government of Mongolia, the EU could contribute to improving the quality and elevate the competitiveness of Mongolian products in the global market.

For full interview, please visit the below link: