TRAM Training for exporters on REX and Rules of Origin
Mon jun 2021
Author: administrator
Read count: 1396

MNCCI - On the 2nd of June, the EU TRAM project delivered an online workshop on Registered Exporter System (REX) that boosting international trade between Mongolia and the European Union. Mongolian Chamber of commerce hosted 30(?) major exporters and another 30(?) joined the workshop online from their companies and regions. The REX system replacing proof of origin FORM-A with a statement of origin made by Mongolian Exporters. All - exporters and control state agencies (Customs, MNCCI and MoFA) need to understand rules of origin to make sure that reduction of duty rates for Mongolian products will be accepted in the EU. This was one of the reasons, why participants found it a useful, interesting and timely arranged event.