EU TRAM Presents Project Progress and Annual Workplan 2018 to Project Steering Committee
Fri jun 2019
Author: admin
Type: News, Other news
Read count: 1232

The EU TRAM Key Experts, Carmen Fratita, Team Leader, and Toby Philpott, Key Expert 2 presented the draft Annual Workplan and main conclusions of the project inception report to members of the Project Steering Committee on 1st December 2017. The meeting was chaired by Project Steering Committee Vice Chairman Dr Enkhbold Vorshilov.

Participants in the meeting included representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union Delegation in Beijing, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the General Agency for Specialised Inspections and the General Customs Authority.

There was a lively discussion of the project plans and with requests for some slight adjustements the draft First Annual Workplan was adopted by the Project Steering Committee. Future Project Steering Committees are foreseen in 2018 to discuss project progress. The Chairman of the Project Steering Committee is State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Davaasuren Damdinsuren.