Sat apr 2021
Author: admin
Read count: 1464

The Steering Committee meeting for the Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia (TRAM) project was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 1 st of April, 2021. Aside from assessing the project results which were achieved in 2020, the
planned activities to be executed before the end of the project in July 2021 were discussed.

The TRAM project began in 2017 and works in three areas: to improve trade policy and regulation, to strengthen trade facilitation, and to intensify export development. Implementing partners are: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Light Industry, Mongolian Customs, General Agency for Specialized Inspection, Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology, National Development Agency, Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Significant results were achieved regarding the development of trade policy, trade regulation, ensuring synergies and coordination between trade related
stakeholders, and capacity building. Furthermore, the TRAM project provides concrete support for government and businesses on reducing obstacles to trade, on ensuring trade facilitation, on developing four export clusters, and on marketing their products to the EU and other markets.
By pointing out the very positive results and sustainable impact of the TRAM project, the stakeholders proposed to the European Union Delegation to include a further project for the support of trade and export development in the next phase of cooperation between the EU and Mongolia, which starts in 2022.