Tue sep 2020
Author: administrator
Read count: 1338

EU TRAM project in corporation with Customs Administration Office organized a workshop on "PUBLIC AWARENESS ON TRADE FACILITATION ACTIVITIES" at MNCCI on 15 September 2020. At the meeting, the representatives from public institutions, Customs Office, traders and exporters were present and provided information on WTO TFA in general and in other particular topics related to trade facilitation and customs simplified procedures. Presentations were delivered on topics of WTO TFA and its impact on a country economy, trade facilitation measures in Mongolia, public campaign on raising awareness about WTO TFA and the benefits of trade facilitation measures to the traders which were followed by free discussion amongst participants.

This event is considered as a first preparative action for the Customs to Business Forum 2020 to be jointly organized by TRAM project, MNCCI and CAO in October 2020.