Thu oct 2020
Author: administrator
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Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The European Union (EU) Trade Day is running its second day under the theme “Increasing export capacity of Mongolia to the European market.” According to the statistics, export volume of non-mining products has gone up by 15 percent in the last three years. EU-financed Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia (TRAM) project, which aims to increase non-mining product export, is making its contribution in it.

Marketing manager of Mongolian Information and Trade Promotion Center of Europe (MITPC) in Berlin M.Zolzaya pointed out that the center was opened in November last year within the framework of TRAM project. It aims to provide support to Government policies aside from promoting business activities. Currently, 2650 pieces of products worth EUR 50,000 from 22 entities that produce leather, wool and cashmere products have been carried to Frankfurt on charter flight on October 23.

An expert of the TRAM project Carl Krug said “There are plenty of opportunities for Mongolian entities to enter into European market. Especially, I would like to highlight non-mining products. However, Mongolia’s export has inseparable connection with its mining industry. Even though it keeps export sum at high, it causes economic risks. Therefore, it is vital to diversify Mongolia’s export and conduct studies on numerous types of products to export to foreign market. Being less affected by the pandemic and having zero local transmission are advantageous for Mongolia. It is pleasant to see business and production is running normal in Mongolia. While negative impacts of the pandemic is high on global markets. Many businesses are closing in Japan, Korea and the United States due to the pandemic. Mongolian producers need to use this time when businesses are in stagnant condition because of the pandemic. It is important for them to improve quality of their products and ensure preparation of product development well to export to overseas countries. There are opportunities for Mongolian manufacturers to enter into global market with more quality products and with more speed when the pandemic subsides. Most countries of the world are focusing attention and making studies on it.

“GSP Hub” project is organizing a workshop today, providing information on facilitating horizontal collaboration among stakeholders, increasing the use of GSP+ preferences, through identifying routes for export diversification, encouraging European companies to increase their imports from Mongolia, and promoting international sustainability standards.

Over 200 delegates from business entities and private sector that created value-added chain of cluster are participating in the event.