EU TRAM Team Presents Draft National Export Development Programme at Consultation Meeting
Fri jun 2019
Author: admin
Type: News, Other news
Read count: 1880
A team of EU TRAM experts, comprising Galsandorj Damba, Gulguu Jantsen and Ian Leach presented a draft of the National Export Programme on 28th January 2018. The National Export Programme 2018-2025 is currently being developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Industry, the National Development Agency, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other key stakeholders. The programme is being developed as an initial to support the implementation of the Government Action Plan 2016-2020 and to support Mongolia in diversifying its exports to non-mining sectors of the economy. The draft programme was prepared in collaboration with various stakeholders and a consultation meeting was held on 28th January 2018, with private sector exporters and public sector representatives to obtain their feedback and suggestions for further development. The meeting was chaired by Director General Enkhbold Vorshilov with presentations by Dr Gansandorj Damba, Senior Non-Key Expert EU TRAM, of the draft National Export Programme and Toby Philpott, Key Expert 2 on the EU TRAM Team of the overall project and specifically Component 3 related to export development. There was a lively discussion of the draft programme by participants and a number of comments were made suggesting possible changes. These were considered and a number of changes, as a consequence of the discussion were made to the Draft Programme. It is anticipated that the finalised programme (with a supporting implementation plan) will be sent to the Government of Mongolia by June 2018 for consideration, review and finalisation before hopefully being adopted by the State Great Hural in the latter part of 2018.