Fri jan 2020
Author: administrator
Read count: 1340

As MNCCI is one of main beneficiaries of the project and Component 3 is dedicated to SMEs, the project has funded a numerous number of publications to strengthen the capacity building of MNCCI staff and exporters of Mongolia. Publications were informative on the import regulations and requirements of EU, introduction on REX, GSP+ system, international business and export practices etc. Since the start, EU-TRAM has sponsored 23 kinds of publications as books, guidelines, manual, brochure, advise, product catalog etc in order to provide immediate and necessary information to Chamber staff and to current and future exporters of Mongolia. Please see below list and please contact for details or to obtain a copy if wish to. 

Publications - ATA Carnet Guide, ATA Carnet brochure, Export Road Map guidebook, Export Road Map brochure,  GSP+ guidebook, Business Proposals Project Writing guidebook, Mongolian Wool and Cashmere catalog, Geographical Indication, GSP+ Handbook,  Guidelines for EU REX registration, Guideline for SPS regulations for cosmetics products, Handbook International business,   Handbook Trade Standards Brochure,  Exporters Roadmap Export and Import managers guidebook, Handbook From Idea to Export, Flyer ATA Carnet, Flyer Patents and Trade Marks, Flyer Certificate of Origin, Flyer REX registration procedure, Handbook Market Entry to Eurasian Markets, Directory of Technical vocational training schools,  Catalogue Yak and Baby Camel Hair Products 2020.